Not long after I acquired our wine shop in the 5th arrondissment in Paris….(2001) I bumped into Florence Guy, wine maker of a really great winery in St Chinian, north west of Beziers. Once upon a time this vineyard, like many in this area, produced vast quantities of cheap wine for the French who drank wine as water (almost day and night!). Roll on a few decades and when we met they had completely changed. Most of the poorer vineyard space gone, leaving the quality plots only. We loved what Florence was doing and sold many bottles of her Cuvee Gabrielle Spinola to the local residents of the Latin Quarter. We lost touch over the years…but I am thankful that last year we came across each other again. The vineyard is now organic certified, the wines even better and they are arriving very soon… at Excellar……and no one else in the UK has discovered them….so sssshhhhhh.