Christmas Wine Tasting & Pit your Wits Wine Quiz

Christmas Wine Tasting & Pit your Wits Wine Quiz

Christmas Virtual Wine Tasting & Pitt your Wits Quiz? 

Friday November 27th @ 7.30pm

This year, its all a bit different, and so as you cannot come to us, we are inviting ourselves to your house.

Dress up, put an early turkey in the oven, pull the crackers & light a fire

The theme is definitely Christmas day, with the wines to suit

The tasting will be hosted by Simon Baile, with a guest appearance from Helene Market, an old friend living and working in Bordeaux, …..our agent on the ground.

We have a box of 4 to taste 

Buy the Box Here

We will broadcast live on our Ex Cellar Facebook Page from 7.30pm

Tune in via facebook live Facebook Live Tasting